Effective Web Design Tips to Maximize Online Reach

Rebecca Wallace
3 min readJun 24, 2021
Web Design

A website truly excels when the design enhances user experience. It can take several forms, from being playful to vibrant and minimalistic to sleek. Whatever you choose, the final look and feel should speak of your industry and brand identity. Studies have found that 38% of customers might stop browsing if the layout is unattractive. On the flip side, a good design ensures visitors take the time to know what your company does. This can subsequently reduce the bounce rate.

Website designs have evolved rapidly over the year, continuing to shape and transform the consumer experience. No wonder the average industry growth stood at 5.8% between 2016 and 2021 and the market size was estimated at $40 billion, according to figures released by IBISWorld. The need for a strong online presence has become all the more vital, given the shift to online resources during the COVID-19 pandemic.

So, if you are looking to improve your website’s design or start from scratch, here are a few useful tips.

* Mobile-Friendly Approach *

Optimize your site for smaller screen sizes by using a responsive design, shorter meta titles and fewer long-form content pieces and pop-ups, according to an article by Semgeeks Digital Agency. These can help you enhance the experience of browsing on a mobile device. A seamless experience is crucial, since 61% of users are less likely to return if they had trouble in the first go. Make sure the design is clean and clutter-free, and adaptive to all types of devices.

* Visual Hierarchy *

A rich and powerful mental representation of a brand includes its personality, which is communicated by visual imagery that is emotions-based, according to an article on Psychology Today. Therefore, carefully consider size and placement to determine which elements your customers should see first. The top assets should be in the order of priority, starting with the most significant information. Don’t forget color, spacing and contrast to help users follow the breadcrumbs you are leaving for them.

* Minimalist Homepage *

This can ensure a timeless design that is highly functional. The basic elements are negative space, typography, large photography and a simple UI/UX. These can ensure easy navigation, SEO friendliness, brand awareness and better accessibility. Cladwell, Dropbox, Maven Clinic and McCain are using minimalism to sell their brand and build positive rapport with great effect, according to an article on Medium.

* Self-Selection Approach *

Amazon uses a product recommendation selector. This is present below most items on the site. This is known as the self-selection tool. Users no longer have to browse through the entire website to find what they want. You can answer simple questions like “what is my shape” or “what is my personality type.” The tools can filter the options and ensure better search results.

So, make the best use of the predictive search bar, step-by-step tool and the classic filter. These can help optimize the user experience to be fast, easy and personalized.

Implement CTAs, include social share buttons, write meaningful subheads and ensure easy readability. Rest assured, these will go a long way to keep you ahead of the curve.

